This is my avatar Celeste. She never really liked the name Celeste so she typically goes by her nickname Shadow.
She acquired the nickname Shadow because you can never see her face because of her famous hood. She never lets people
get close to her in life because she has never been able to trust people easily.

She was always an outcast since she was a child. She never fit in with a clique at school and never had friends that
stuck around long enough to really figure out who she was. The only person she really had was her mother since her father
had left when she was young. They had a loving relationship but when she passed away Celeste was changed forever. She was
alone. An outcast of society.

She never knew how her mother had died but five years later when she found out she had been killed by a group of mercenaries
she no longer wanted to live her old life of an outcast. She trained for a long long time she didn’t just train for self defense
she trained to fight.

Shadow has one goal in life which was to rain revenge on the people who killed her mother. She works day and night searching
for the group that killed her. She will go through anything and everything to get to the thing that took away the one thing
she truly loved and brought her joy. When she finds these men she will make sure they pay for what they did and remember her name.